Before you begin eb1 green card process, you should check the instructions mentioned herein. Check out the eb-1a visa requirements online and start filling the form right away. Once you check online eb 1 visa requirements and follow the instructions, eb1 green card processing time will speed up.
General instructions:
responses may be typed or clearly written in black ink. You may attach an extra sheet of paper if additional space is needed to complete an item. Please sign and date each additional sheet of paper and include the item number on the page. Completely answer all questions. If the answer to a question is “none” or “not applicable”, then leave the question blank.
The eb1a visa is a great option for people with extraordinary abilities in the arts, sciences, business, education, or athletics. With an eb1a visa, you can get your green card without a job offer from a us company. And, because the eb1a visa is eligible for premium processing, your application can be reviewed in just 15 days. In this guide, i’m going to explain what you need to know about the eb1a visa. If you have any questions about the eb1a visa, email me directly at michael@ashoorilaw. Com. My team of us immigration lawyers and i would be happy to help you get your eb1a visa.
Options for an extraordinary employee saving a client from an eb-5 denial overturning the denial of a perm application winning an i-140 appeal overcoming the denial of an i-140 petition saving a client’s job registered nurse upgrades from eb-2 to eb-3 representing clients in various cities across the u. S. Helping a person qualify for a national interest waiver helping a physician achieve permanent residence green card for a person of extraordinary ability helping a client qualify as an eb-1 outstanding researcher erroneous i-140 denial is overturned saving a science superstar from.
Who’s eligible for an EB-1 Green Card?
In order to petition for an eb-1a visa, you must complete the following:
gather all evidence for your i-140 form (found above in ‘criteria for eligibility’). Fill out and sign form i-140 and any other documents you may need to send in as evidence. An original certified form eta 750, application for alien employment certification, if you are seeking to classify the beneficiary as a professional athlete with exceptional ability.
Pay the filing fee of $700. Since you are filing for an eb-1 extraordinary ability green form, you may be eligible for a form i-485, application to register permanent residence or adjust status.
The first preference category is eb1 (eb1a), which is for individuals with extraordinary abilities in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics. This preference category also includes outstanding professors or researchers as well as multinational executives and managers. Eb-1 applicants can self-petition for an immigrant visa for alien worker, if approved, such immigrant visa petition will result in a green card. To initiate the process, the applicant need to file form i-140, with the uscis.
What’s the application process for an EB-1 Green Card?
Obtaining a national interest waiver for an eb2 visa would expedite the process to a degree. The national interest waiver (niw) varies in its requirements and is particularly more accessible for physicians. If a physician meets the criteria for the second preference employment-based category (eb-2), they can acquire a national interest waiver by committing to work in a health professional shortage area and fulfilling additional qualifications. The success of an niw request relies heavily on providing strong supporting evidence. If the documentation submitted is incomplete, inconsistent, or does not sufficiently establish the applicant’s qualifications and the national interest aspect of their work, the uscis may deny the niw request.
The eb-1a visa is seen as a particularly desirable green card because: eb-1a visa priority dates are "current," which means the wait can be a lot shorter than for other green cards. It is also unnecessary to go through the perm process (where the department of labor would need to establish that existing u. S. -based workers could fill the same position). The spouse and any minor children of the green card holder may also be eligible for admissio n into the united states under e-14 or e-15 immigrant status. For these reasons, eb-1a visa applications are subject to strict scrutiny, and they are among the most difficult visas to obtain.
Many of the people who become eligible for employment-based, or eb immigrant visas, first come to the u. S. With a nonimmigrant, employment-based visa. (a nonimmigrant visa is a temporary visa. ) the most common one is the h-1b, issued for workers in “specialty occupations. ” these can be renewed, but employers may also opt for applying for a more permanent eb visa that opens a path to permanent residency. The u. S. Government grants approximately 140,000 visas each fiscal year for employment-based immigrants and their families. There are five preference categories of employment-based green cards divided primarily based on the applicants’ experience, skills and abilities.
The submitted evidence to uscis is well presented, and the provided arguments for the case are persuasive, then the eb-1a application should be approved. To help you obtain u. S. Green card easily and quickly, we provide the high quality and case-proven complete do-it-yourself package for eb1 extraordinary ability application , based on our extensive and practical employment immigration experience. Added value in the complete do-it-yourself package for eb1 extraordinary ability application, we provide comprehensive instructions on u. S. Immigration application requirements and processing, the methods of how to prepare the eb-1a application, how to collect evidence, how to show your achievements, how to prove your extraordinary ability, and how to write the application cover letter and the reference letters.